• Craftybabs says:

      Hi Josie, unfortunately I don’t sell box cards or any other card components for decoration, I prefer the creative process of producing completed cards and keepsakes. If you want this type of thing why not look on Ebay (for card blanks made using dies) or other craft retailers, there are many sellers who do sell card blanks and components for self assembly and decoration.
      Hope this helps, Happy Crafting,

  1. Adriana says:

    Hola!!! Estoy asombrada con tus bellos trabajos. No logro ver el tutorial 5, coloco la contraseña, y da ERROR (Hello!!! I’m amazed with your beautiful works. I can not see tutorial 5, I put the password, and it gives ERROR) HUGS from Córdoba, Argentina

    • Craftybabs says:

      Hi Adrana, so sorry you’ve not been able to access the tutorial, the passwords are case sensitive and need to be typed in exactly as they have been given, sometimes there are technical problems with the site which are usually corrected quickly so it may be worth trying again and check that you’re inputting the password as it was given.
      Kind Regards,

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